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CALL FOR PAPERS for the subsequent volume of “Łódzkie Studie Etnograficzne”
vol. LIX, 2020

The volume topic editors: dr hab. prof. UAM Anna Weronika Brzezińska, dr Katarzyna Majbroda

We would like to dedicate the next volume of “Łódzkie Studia Etnograficzne” to a reflection on the multithreaded phenomenon of education, animation and action in the public sphere in the anthropological praxis, asking such questions as: How to develop and practice education of open societies and animate local communities? What role does socio-cultural anthropology play in the practice of inter-/multicultural education in the public space?
The starting point of our invitation to co-create a publication on this subject is the recognition that the triad of education, animation and action in public space determines one of the most important areas of anthropologists’ activity. Therefore, these contexts for the development of anthropological praxis require rethinking of both theoretical categories and concepts, as well as research methods, tools and strategies, whose experimental development is an urgent task in the context of the challenges facing socio-cultural anthropology and its practitioners.
A reflection on the categories we propose seems particularly important in a situation where we observe discourses and practices of an exclusionary and discriminatory nature, which favour the creation of a closed society that cannot cope with otherness in its broadest sense nor with the similarity between seemingly different groups and communities, which is gradually being silenced in favour of exposing categories of difference. We recognise the need to develop a strategy to counter stigmatising stereotypes, ethnic, religious and gender-based conflicts and related physical violence and hate speech.
We are also interested in strategies and experiences related to the promotion of extensive activities for the protection and popularization of traditional culture, rituals, local/regional traditions, customs and socio-cultural practices that form part of social life. These objectives cover initiatives in the scope of cultural animation and opening education, necessary to co-create a society that understands current socio-cultural processes, phenomena and practices, knows how to function in a culturally diverse world on the principles of acceptance, mutual respect and peaceful coexistence, taking care of its cultural heritage.


ADRES REDAKCJI: 90-131 Łódź, ul. Lindleya 3/5; tel.: (+48 42) 635 61 50
e-mail:; www:;
wydawca: Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze
We would like this volume of “Łódzkie Studia Etnograficzne” to serve as a platform for the exchange of views and experiences of theoreticians and practitioners from various areas of education, animation and activities undertaken in this field in the context of protection and promotion of cultural heritage in public space. Therefore, we invite individuals interested in developing and promoting anthropologically understood education, as well as representatives of other disciplines who in their scientific reflections and research practice share an interest in these research areas with anthropologists, to send us your paper proposals.
We cordially invite Polish and foreign scholars researching the Carpathians to publish their work in our
volume. We expect the papers to be ascribable to one of the following sections of our periodical:
• Studies;
• Fieldwork materials;
• Comments and discussions.

We accept only original works, not published elsewhere and conforming to the ŁSE editorial guidelines.
Information and guidelines for the authors can be found at: and
Paper submission and the entire editorial and reviewing procedure is carried out on the Digital
Publishing Platform for Magazines:
Submission deadline is 15 November 2019.

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